Tuesday, May 17, 2022 – Technacy finally presents itself in presence to companies at the headquarters of Confindustria Romagna in Ravenna through the event “Sinergie – by Associates for Associates”, the service of Confindustria Romagna that allows companies to express and communicate know-how, projects, present products/ services.
Technacy proposed a moment of reflection and discussion on the profound change taking place in the world of digital data transmissions, especially a focus on the work done on the themes of “evolution in mobility” and open innovation carried out thanks to the contribution made by Smartech – a service company for business innovation of Confindustria Romagna.
The event was attended together with Vittorio Foschi and Ciro Liberatore (Technacy side), Gianluigi Bonini – Romagna Smartech Innovation Services Manager and the innovation managers Tommaso Monaldi, Marco Ambrosini, Francesco Fullone, Giancarlo Barletta, Carlo Bozzo and Claudio Rossi.
“Technacy comes from a long period of growth in terms of turnover, number of employees, market presence. However, we realized that in order to maintain and further improve this positive trend, we needed to push further on the open innovation and change processes of our company. Hence our relationship with the Smartech team of professionals – explains Vittorio Foschi – thanks to them we have renewed our brand identity, marketing strategies, improved our brand and product communication, both in Italy and internationally. Synergies is an opportunity to show goals and achievements and open a reflection on what is changing on the world of TLC; the new eSim, virtual Sim cards, open to new ways of digital data transmission and new operators MVNO, non-proprietary entities of the networks, are creating new business models very different from a very recent past”.